Since I was little, I have loved nothing more than picking up a pencil or paintbrush and creating something I can truly cherish.
Having completed some wonderful, commissioned artworks for clients over the past few years, I can truly say it is a delightful feeling to bring smiles to people’s faces with my work, and at the same time support local charities that benefit our wildlife, landscapes but more importantly, families in our community.
And that’s what Goosi is to me. It’s a passion and a lifelong ambition, to support those around me and you, with a little bit of creativity and colour.

Here, you will discover my Goosi creations, from original artwork to prints, to design studies and new ventures, including the NEW Homeware Collection.
At Goosi, the possibilities are endless, and I am very excited to bring you along my journey.
I hope you enjoy having a look through my website, and if you have any questions about my work, please feel free to contact me, through email, phone or social media, the choice is yours.
Yours sincerely
Your artist
Lucy Dyke
Lovely to see you here - I’m Lucy, the artist behind Goosi.
The Goosi Story
Shortly after starting my placement year in Derbyshire for my degree in Rural Enterprise and Land Management, the UK headed straight for Lockdown, which meant leaving beautiful Bakewell, and going home, for what I thought would be 3 months.
When 4 months had passed and constant bad news made the headlines each evening concerning coronavirus, I decided it was time to make this a productive time in some way. Remembering how much I used to love to draw and paint from my A-levels, I decided to pick up a pen and paper and start scribbling.
Feeling a little rusty, I began drawing in pen every day, determined to improve my skill, and develop this passion I had put down shortly after completing my A-levels.
That Summer I filled page after page of pen illustrations, sharing my progress on Instagram (then known as @theparttimescribbler) and feeling more passionate about making this less of a hobby, and more of a part-time business.
With lots of pondering of what I could possibly call my business venture – it finally ticked! I wanted it to be something short, easy to remember, and something easy to spell. And of course, something to do with me, the artist. And I realised, what better way to do this, than go from the nickname my dad has always called me… “Goose”. A name which came from my love of raising goslings when I was younger.
My final reason, being because my mum’s chosen canvas was a goose feather. She too loved drawing and painting, and when I was younger, I used to look at her artwork and think “Wow! I want to be that good!”
And so, after many logo scribbles later, Goosi was formed.

Goosi Ethos & Core Values
To Create Heartwarming & Thought-Provoking Fine Art
Bring something simple, natural & timeless into your home, with a little bit of Goosi.
To Support Local & National Charities
Starting with Wiltshire Air Ambulance, Yellow Wellies & The Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.
Improving Goosi Ways
Striving to establish sustainable practices that promote environmentally friendly creative outcomes.
The Goosi Ethos
Growing up on an organic farm, has meant a high importance placed on finding solutions and using alternatives to harmful chemicals and methods. We have seen this being paramount to securing a sustainable and environmentally beneficial future on our farm, avoiding harm to local wildlife.
At Goosi, I aim to bring this philosophy into my own business. Whilst, my impact may be small, I believe we all have a responsibility to do what we can on our own little patch. Whether this be recycling, reducing chemical usage, or simply choosing more carefully where we buy and invest our money.
An important effort is placed on the packaging I use for my products, ensuring each item is either biodegradable, easily recycled or reused. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of imagination to realise what can be done with the resources already at our fingertips! And that’s my aim this year – to further research, experiment and find different ways which encourage both you and I to recycle or re-use, just that little bit more than normal!
Each homeware product is produced in the UK by like-minded business individuals who manage the manufacture of these products. Before working with any other business, I do my research first – ensuring our values are in – line, for people and planet, and that also bring the best possible items for you.
MISSION: To Produce Beautiful & Meaningful Artwork, that Supports Local Communities and Charities that Benefit the World in Ways that Evoke Optimism, Inspiration and Protect our Natural Environment.